Everyone sometimes experiences inflammation. In fact, it is the natural reaction of your body to heal itself and to protect against injury and illness. But when inflammation becomes a regular event, this can cause all kinds of problems for your health, which leads to problems such as diabetes, heart conditions, arthritis and allergies.
“There are certain conditions that can cause chronic inflammation, but that is possible [almost] Always prevent and managed with a good diet, “says Dolores Woods, MPH, RDN, LD, a nutritionist supervisor of the Nourish program at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health. “Every time we are sick, when we have an infection, it automatically causes an inflammatory reaction. Diet is always part of the treatment. ”
That is where Trader comes in Joe’s. It has a surprising number of healthy and budget-friendly options that can fight inflammation, especially snacks. So we asked Woods to lead ourselves through the best snacks to relieve inflammation. Then we went to Trader Joe’s with her tips and loaded our carts with her favorites.
1. Grainless muesli
Good food / Trader Joe’s
Of course full grains are great. But focusing on nuts and seeds can also provide an anti -inflammatory punch. Why? “Nuts and seeds are really a good source of heart-healthy fats,” explains Woods. “They consume, such as walnuts and almonds, or chia seeds or linseed, [provides] Great healthy fats that are often missing in our diet, and they are a good source of fiber. “This crispy granular granola is a winner. In addition to the sunflower and pumpkin seeds with nutrients, it is filled with antioxidant almonds that have been shown to protect against inflammation.
2. Organic fat homestyle guacamole
Good food / Trader Joe’s
Avocado is the center of this creamy organic fat homestyle guacamole. That can be good news for the health of your brain. The reason? Avocados are rich in lutein, an anti -inflammatory plant connection that has been shown to improve cognitive function. Lutein is not the only reason to dig in. Avocados are full of heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, making guacamole a fantastic choice for the health of the heart. It is also a satisfactory way to get your vegetarian solution!
3. Roasted and salted rosemary Marcona Almonds
Good food / Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe’s has many delicious flavored almonds. However, when it comes to taming inflammation, lush roasted and salted rosemary Marcona almonds happened to be our favorites. And not just because of the almonds. “Enlistling foods are those who are good for our immune system,” says Woods. And the rosemary in this mix just fits the bill. Research shows that his cocktail of inflammatory antioxidants can fight an infection, relieve pain and more. No wonder it is our number 1 herb to reduce inflammation!
4. Non -fat ordinary Greek yogurt
Good food / Trader Joe’s
Sometimes the simplest snacks are the best, such as a reliable container with non -greeted ordinary Greek yogurt. Although you may have heard that dairy causes inflammation, nothing can be further from the truth. Dairy is even loaded with calcium and vitamin D that ward off inflammation. Plus, Yogurt offers inflammatory busting probiotics. This can explain why one study has shown that people who regularly ate probiotic-rich yogurt had significantly lower markers of two different types of inflammations.
5. Organic freeze -dried berries Medley
Good food / Trader Joe’s
When it comes to destroying inflammation, “the focus is mainly on choosing foods such as berries – especially blueberries, strawberries and blackberries – that are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant,” Woods explains. Look no further than TJ’s organic freeze -dried berries Medley. It is full of a trio of organic freeze -dried blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.
That is not the only reason to throw a bag in your shopping cart. These naturally sweet delicacies contain zero added sugar. “We don’t want much sugar because sugar is actually an inflammatory ingredient,” says Woods. In addition to snacking these tasty berries solo, they were also great in normal yogurt.
The Bottom Line
Snacking may seem like a counter -intuitive way to defeat inflammation. However, with the right choices it can work to your advantage. Fortunately, Trader Joe’s has many great options to get the job done. Whether it is granular granola, guacamole, rosemary-roasted almonds, lean Greek yogurt or freeze-dried mixed berries, there are many healthy, delicious anti-inflammatory choices waiting for you.
When you shop for snacks at Trader Joe’s – or somewhere else – reading label is the key. Added sugar, salt and saturated fat can all dissolve inflammation. So make sure you turn the package and view the ingredient list and the Nutrition Facts panel. Or follow our dietician-approved guide for reading labels. You will shop like a professional in no time!