March 14, 2025
6 things you have to learn before the bitter end

6 things you have to learn before the bitter end

I really hope that the age of 70 does not arrive with a museum full of regret.

Anyway, I would like to reach 70. But I know that many people now sow the seeds of resentment and missed opportunities. So what can we do to make things better before our hair turns gray?

The trick for supporting a long service life

Romania was confronted with a population crisis in the 1960s.

People had no babies and leaders feared that a population collapses. The notorious dictator, Ceausescu, made a new Draconian policy “Grade 770”.

The prohibited contraception and abortion. Schools then started evangelizing the importance of motherhood. Families started to put more pressure on women to have children. This led to a rapid increase in unwanted babies. Be flooded with children. Babies were abandoned on street corners.

Years later there was a rapid increase in crime. Many of those children grew up without stable houses, live on the street and in metro stations, which rock. They later resorted to theft, prostitution and were entangled in poverty. And in a bitter political irony it was this very demography that was responsible for the downfall of Ceausescu in 1989.

In addition to being talked about abortion, this moment in time speaks to the importance of people who live the life they want to live. For generations, our parents and grandparents were put under pressure to live within narrow boundaries and to fill the shoes that their own parents left. Happiness requires that you occasionally disappoint people. Do not leave from outside the path that you don’t really want.

If you don’t want to do something, say no. Do not get so entangled in the pleasure of people and meet expectations. You do you.

Clean up your ACT

Last night I made the mistake of watching a documentary about a hospice care before bedtime.

That night I had a terrible nightmare over my deathbed – with cancer caused by the junk food and soft drinks that I surrender. For the record, my diet is not That Bad and the dream was probably exaggerating. But today I decided to make some adjustments. I’m just cold turkey with caffeine. I realized that it has become a big stool in my life. I go without it 24 hours and have not had any attacks or something, and I usually feel good.

I am 40 in September, and I know that it is now time to eliminate as many remaining bad habits as possible, because I prefer a healthier half of my life.

My neighbor was a retired pilot and his wife had been a stewardess. They came from an older generation who smoked tons of cigarettes – and she had not stopped on time. She had terrible COPD and other health problems related to smoking.

Consequently, she spent the last decade of her life, from 67 to 77 years old, hardly able to walk alone. She needed a lift to go up the stairs to their second floor. I felt bad for her. But it is a memory that when it comes to life, quality is as important as quantity.

You get two pairs of teeth

12 years ago I was shocked by the first root canal that I received – not from the procedure – but from the price tag.

I spent $ 1300 and thought I was completely scammed. The price has only become higher since then. As I wiped my credit card, I grinned and remembered what my dental hygienist told me years earlier: “You just have to floss the teeth you want to keep.”

I was not flossing – or went for my regular check. I had harvested what I had sown. Now take care of your teeth. A few slip-ups, even missing a day or two every now and then can come back to chase. There are many people who read this who have paid an arm and a leg to repair their smile because they relaxed at a younger age.

And if you have children for God’s sake, please teach them about dental health and build that habit now. Please. There is nothing attractive about black teeth and they may not have the money to pay implants.

Soft skills will make or break you

Many new employees have misconceptions about progress in the workplace.

Nowadays I am not an office life, but I often hear about it through my girlfriend. New employees, freshly spit from the university, misunderstood how promotions and increases work. This is the thing: there are many things that go beyond your core competencies that are going to be promoted. High -performing acorns, for example, are often frustrated that they are not landing increases and new job titles.

A large part of your work can be done with your colleagues. Be a good listener. Be empathetic. Recognize that everyone gets stressed and has to do projects.

Do not drive, desperate helpdesk requests from people who are busy. Career -Speed ​​comes usual in old age. Do not sell yourself briefly by being a jerk.

That is politely not the same

A person can smile while putting her heart in a dog bag to wear home.

Make no mistake that someone is asking a question in a friendly way with those who do not manipulate you. Of course, I am very enthusiastic to help people who are nice and friendly – it certainly beats the alternative.

There, among you, good citizens, there are those who know how to use kindness as a weapon. They know that if they are smiling and bubbles, the other person will eagerly do something they want – no matter how serious the inconvenience is.

I always do as a judge taught me – a reasonableness test: “Is what they ask reasonable to expect someone in this situation?” Remember: even a serial killer can be charming.

The last

Ageism is still an unbridled problem in business – and does not seem to be slowing.

So don’t assume that you have a stable biweekly salary up to and including 70.

That is why it is so important to start saving for retirement early. You can easily get out of your salary in boxes. I already assume that at some point I will get outdated (while I work hard to prevent that).

I am a lot of worries about good friends who are now middle age and have not saved a cent for retirement. Remember the old saying that when it comes to saving for retirement, time is your friend.

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