March 15, 2025
What kind of dog parent are you? New study discovered 3 different types

What kind of dog parent are you? New study discovered 3 different types

The type of parent you wanted to be and the type of older you are can be two different things: you can fantasize everything you want, but the moment you really have someone to be older, chances are that you have to play. That applies to everyone; People, cats, dogs …

However, a study recently discovered that there are three different approaches of dog parenting, and they all vary. You may not be the type of dog parent you think, but don’t worry; Your dog loves you, regardless of what kind of parent you are.

But if you want to know, they are:

1. Actual parent

As divided as saying that you are sometimes the parent of your dog, this parenting style is the most common, with 49.5% of the survey-branchers identify with it. These people considered their dogs as total family members and, often more important than any person. Moreover, this type of dog parent is more likely to keep their dog inside.

“Parent” Idifiers are usually more tolerant with bad behavior, the study shows. People who identify as dog parents reported that their puppies were more susceptible to problems such as:

Interestingly, however, these people did not show a significant difference in ‘parental status’, which means that those of us who consider our dogs if our children do not use them as a child ‘replacement’ with a wider margin than any other category. However, they are younger than the other types of dog parents.

According to this study, people with dogs such as dachshunds, boxers and non-working border that collies consider the most of the most likely their dogs as their children!

2. Colleague/colleague

The last parental style is exactly as it sounds: 31.1% of people who have dogs consider their dogs as part of the teamInstead of a part of the family. You are roommates. You work together. You may share banana bread in the break space.

“Colleague” status puppies are most likely to be kept out and not allowed: they are usually working dogs. They can be part of the police, or they are service animals, guardians, etc. ,. They have a goal and their parents want them to achieve their full working potential, even if this means that they retain a greater emotional distance.

Common “colleague” varieties are:

Colleague status dogs are considered the most obedient in the study; For example, they have the best off-leash safety skills, and their recall is generally very good.

3. Companion

The least usual answer (19.4%) to this survey was that dog parents considered their dogs as a ‘companion’, rather than a child. Although “companion” parents do not identify themselves as the parent of their dog, and they ships a little older (about 40 years), they believe that their dogs are more obedient.

Companion dogs are usually kept from the inside, but they get ‘jobs’, so that the companion status is properly granted to varieties such as:

“Companion” status animals also tend to spend less time with their carers, because they are often trained for more obedience and independence. These varieties are satisfied to entertain themselves when they have to, and they are seen as part of the family, but they do not get the same regard as animals with the “child” status.

All dog parents agree on some things

Listen, discover what kind of dog parent you are, is all fun. If you have a relationship with your dog that serves both you and them well, then you are ready to go. The researchers did not think that one status is “better” than the other; The dog parents they have investigated all love their dogs, and many have actually identified themselves with aspects of multiple statuses. Parenthood is never black and white.

During the study, however, there were a few important points that everyone seems to agree:

  • Positive reinforcement is important, regardless of status.

  • Unconditional love and frequent, positive physical contact is vital for every parent dog relationship.

  • Dogs of all status still require basic care and supplies.

  • Everyone loves their dogs.

Every parenting style has its advantages and disadvantages, but as long as you ensure that your puppy is loved and cared for, you are doing great!

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