March 15, 2025
Exercise can help to lower the risk of some brain diseases, shows studies

Exercise can help to lower the risk of some brain diseases, shows studies

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Increasing your physical activity level can reduce your risk of developing neuropsychiatric diseases such as anxiety, depression and dementia, according to new preliminary research.

And the protection for your brain applies, regardless of how intense your exercise is, “the importance of regular movement in promoting mental health,” said capital author Dr. Jia-Yi Wu, a researcher at the Huashan Hospital at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

Researchers analyzed gear meter data of more than 73,000 adults with an average age of 56 years old to compare their amount of physical activity with cases of neuropsychiatric diseases, according to the abstract published Thursday. The summary is planned to be presented in April during the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego.

Although the results still have to be published in a complete, peer-reviewed study, they are reinforced by the large sample size, the reliability of gear meter data and the large oeuvre that supports a strong connection between physical movement and improved results For circumstances that influence the brain, Dr. said Scott Russo, Leon Levy Director of the Brain and Body Research Center at the Icahn School of Medicine on Mount Sinai in New York City. He was not involved in the investigation.

“In this case there are so much data, both correlatively and causally … that I am quite confident about it,” said Russo.

Even a little activity can help protect against some brain diseases, the research showed.

The data showed that increasing physical activity and the reduction of the sitting time was useful for conditions such as dementia and depression, and that is not a big surprise, Russo said.

Some studies have shown that exercise is just as effective against depression as medicines, he added.

To understand why exercise can be so useful, it is important to note that some researchers begin to consider depression as not just one condition, but a collection of subtypes with various causes, Russo said.

About 25% to 30% of people with a severe depressive disorder can fall under the immunometabolic subtype, which is characterized by inflammation and changed metabolic function, he said.

Exercise can help to regulate metabolic function and reduce the inflammation behind this subtype of depression.

“That can be an effective way to treat patients with this specific subtype,” Russo added.

The most important collection meal of this study? Move more and spend less time on.

“Taking daily activities that burn calories, such as walking or even gardening, play an important role in protecting your brain’s health,” said Wu in an e -mail.

In particular, it is motivating that the investigation demonstrated that all intensities of activity seemed to be favorable.

“You don’t have to commit to intense training sessions,” Wu added. “Even light-to-use activities can have a meaningful impact on your well-being.”

And just as a gear meter was useful in recording activities for the study, a device that helps you follow your activity can be a good strategy to get more moving, Russo said.

Doctors and researchers often encourage people to get more activity, and yet the health of the country as a whole has not improved much, he added.

“It still requires active and deliberate behavior, and some of these digital technologies that come true has been shown to really help with keeping track of and keeping up with motivation,” Russo said.

You can tell a device to follow activity if you get enough or how much more you need, he added. Adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week and at least two days of muscle strengthening per week, according to the current guidelines for physical activity for Americans.

“It’s like a game for me now,” said Russo, talking about his own device. “I set it on my minimal move -white every day, and if I am slightly lower and I will not touch my target that day, I can do around my house.”

Being healthy because a population is going to take a number of strategy and deliberate choices, he said.

“I think this is one of the things that these digital technologies do is that the individual for the ability to really take the owner, to follow, collect and organize data in real time,” said Russo.

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