March 15, 2025
People call out industries that are actually ‘scams’, and it is an eye opening

People call out industries that are actually ‘scams’, and it is an eye opening

A while ago we wrote a message where Reddit users shared the industries they think they should no longer exist. In the comments, readers of the Buzz Feed community shared more “problematic” industries that they think are really scam. This is what they had to say – as well as the original comments that started a huge discussion:

1.“Companies that own single -family homes. Airbnb. Both have destroyed the housing market.”


House with one "For sale" Draw in the front garden, surrounded by a lush green lawn and landscaped garden

House with a “for sale” plate in the front garden, surrounded by a lush green lawn and landscaped garden

2.“Bruining -salons. Nobody can have a UVB position/bed, except for medical professionals such as dermatologists.”


3.“Telemarketers. All telemarketing calls that I get, either from bots or real people, call me with telephone numbers that are flushed from my contact list. I can’t refuse to answer a phone call from my daughter, but I am really pissed off if it is not my daughter, but a few swelling with my daughter’s telephone number.”


4.“I block every YouTube channel that makes videos about their family. You sell your child’s face and life for profit, and you don’t deserve children. I hope that the trend of family vloggers will leave one day – they are toxic.”


5.“Food companies that pay scientists to make processed food more intentionally more addictive and then also pay other scientists to make ‘diet’ food to make people addicted and to offer a fake remedy for the disease and dependence they have created.”

“Then the same companies blame consumers when the ‘diet’ ultimately fails.”


Shopping shop aisle filled with various packaged snacks and food on shelves

Shopping shop aisle filled with various packaged snacks and food on shelves

6.“Fast fashion. Clothing that is made to be ultra -disable. They are places looking at trends and make trendy clothing that will fall so cheaply that will fall apart in a year, but that doesn’t matter to the consumer because they want to buy next year’s trends next year, anyway.”

– Leffeman

“Fast fashion is terrible for the environment (fashion is good for 20-35% of the microplastic that ends up in the ocean), terrible for employees (93% are not a livable wage, child labor and bound labor not unusually paid, and many of the factories are unsafe).”


7.Ticket companies are bad than evil. All bots get the good seats, praise them in the thousands and the fans are unlucky. Something needs to be done and fast! “

– Caffie

“Those ticket companies are disgusting, I recently bought tickets for a concert with a sound check party and a meet and greet with the band. The band has canceled the sound check party, and the ticketing company refused to do a partial repayment, so I had to cancel the whole Sounch, or just greet, greetececk, or just greetececk, or just greetececk, or greetececk, or just to be greetececk, or greetececk, or just the money. Cancel, just give my money back. “


8.“Everything as a subscription. As a technical employee I understand why this is so popular, but God, I hate it.”


I can no longer use Microsoft because it is a subscription, and my sister, who wants to go into graphic design, cannot use Adobe Photoshop because it is a subscription. It’s ridiculous. How should people even try to get into the career they want if they can’t afford the tools? She could save for a one -off payment, but she cannot afford the added costs every month.


9.“The cruise ship industry. They are not good for the ocean life or the general environment. They float petri dishes.”


People walking past a dock next to a large cruise ship

People walking past a dock next to a large cruise ship

10.“Third -party students Loan ‘Consultants’. I used to work as a federal collector of student loans for a contractor from the Ministry of Education.

“What these legal gray A-hole do is to mislead people to pay for free paperwork on their behalf. Of course, they have the small disclosure of the small print, but they are extremely preaching and make me sick. In my opinion, the removal of them can be worthy of legislation, given that they interfere with federal debts.”


11.“Covid resulted in such an alarming rise of MLMS and other ‘entrepreneur’/’Be your own boss’/’Girl Boss’ on social media that it is honestly staggering. Ironically, and not surprising, every person I knew in one of these during Covid went a different, more stable job, but only did this in the debts.”


12.“Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). Look them up. They are in fact blood -defading between intermediaries who are between hospitals and health insurers. They are supposedly created to control the costs of prescription drugs and formularies, but they actually stimulate prices. One of the many terrible causes of the states.”


13.“Child modeling and everything that has to do with children who are published on social media.”


“I let children’s clothing modeled for shops and such, but when they make 10-year-olds look 20 and ‘sexy’, it’s just creepy.”


Out-of-Focus Child is in front of a photo shoot, with a large studio light in the foreground

Out-of-Focus Child is in front of a photo shoot, with a large studio light in the foreground

14.“Fokkers do not have to exist. The idea of ​​forcing your pet to become pregnant and getting babies just to take them away is dirty. Sorry is not.”


15.“The people who make textbooks cost $ 2,000!”


16.“Auto alers. Give me my direct sale of consumers. Death to the Sleazy intermediaries!”


17.“Prisons with profit motive. The problem is deliberate Aiming and oparcere people so that they can place them in a prison with a profit motive. If they did not exist at all, many of those criminals would never have been labeled as such in the first place. “


Open the door of the prison cells with bent gate, which leads to a scarce, empty room with metal surfaces

Open the door of the prison cells with bent gate, which leads to a scarce, empty room with metal surfaces

18.“Coal extraction and associated industries. We can switch – it would be good for the economy, our health and our future, but there is not the political willpower to do it at the moment.”


19.“Gambling. It is a huge problem in Ireland and the UK; there are gambling shops everywhere. I am sure it is the same in other countries and destroys lives. I can’t go anywhere or watch a sport without pushing your throat.”


20.“Payment daily loans. It should be illegal to conquer someone in a debt cycle that he can’t get out of. If you can’t already afford to wait for a salary, then it must be inherent in a cyclical arrangement in which a loan is paid and then immediately return to cover the costs.


21.“Health insurance. I need medication. Doctor says I need medication. An insurance employee without medical training is not so certain. Maybe they inspect it in the short term. It works for sure. So it is only six months approved. Then I have to fight every six months.

“Insurance is extremely profitable. And people die because a man needs a third home and a private jet.”


Arts investigating the patient with a stethoscope in a medical office

Arts investigating the patient with a stethoscope in a medical office

22.“Plastic bottle water for one-time use. Water in handy packaging is not a bad thing. The problem is more in how we started using them in a non-durable way.”


23.“The natural diamond industry. We can literally grow them in laboratories sustainably and the same quality, but there will probably always be people who want unethically natural diamonds.”

—O/Apprecate part194

24.“Factory factory for animals. I love animals and respect animals. If you didn’t let it happen to your pet, don’t pay large companies to do it to your food.”


“I grew up at a small family farm. I agree, factory farming has to go. Family farms treat their animals well and give them a good life.” They were bed and beds every morning before we were allowed to eat.


And finally …

25.“Child beauty competitions. I enjoyed doing one as a child. It was just ‘dressed beautiful’ and ‘walking on stage’. But there were no heavy make -up or swimming suit competitions or super photoshopped photos.”


Three young children in extensive parade dresses who make surprised and playful faces in a backstage area

Three young children in extensive parade dresses who make surprised and playful faces in a backstage area

What are some other industries that you think they should no longer exist? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

NOTE: Some reactions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

The image has text "Let's talk" with stylized speech bubble icons around it

The image has text “Let’s Talk” with stylized speech bubble icons around it

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