March 14, 2025
Eagle couple Jackie and Shadow lay 3 new eggs after 2024 loss

Eagle couple Jackie and Shadow lay 3 new eggs after 2024 loss


Celebrity Bald Eagle pair Jackie and Shadow are preparing to breed triplets in their nest in South California after the heartbreaking failed Liège last year.

Last March the couple unfortunately missed the 35-day breeding window with a few days, according to Friends or Big Bear Valley, the non-profit non-profit in San Bernardino County who has a 24-hour live feed from the Eagles. However, the tragedy has not influenced their pregnancy patterns.

Now the couple expects again after laying three eggs that they have carefully guarded, Friends of Big Bear Valley confirmed this month on Facebook. The parents have taken rotating shifts on the eggs while they also look after each other.

Fans of the IT-Couple have long viewed the birds in their natural habitat by the Big Bear Eagle Nest Cam on Facebook. Jackie is often seen with yoga pieces, egg rolls and nest -softening in the midst of incubation periods, while shade can be seen to bring fish and sticks home.

“Jackie and Shadow have been extraordinary in their great care of their 3 eggs, patiently sitting on the eggs and sticking close to the nest, even when it’s not their turn,” wrote Friends of Big Bear Valley Monday. “Both Jackie and Shadow seem to be getting more patient with the incubation, with each other and with the silence waiting.”

Last year’s eggs did not come out on time

Social media fans were destroyed last year when the eggs of Jackie and Shadow did not come out during the 35 -day window.

It was unclear why the eggs did not come out, with Friends or Big Bear Valley executive director Sandy Steers who confirmed that height and temperature of possible factors in March in March in March of USA Today.

“We are not talking about the reason why the eggs were not released,” Steers wrote last year. “It can be the environment, such as temperatures, moisture percentages, oxygen levels at high altitude, etc.

Has the couple welcomed chicks earlier?

Jackie and Shadow previously welcomed sets of chicks in 2019 and 2022, so fans know that the two are not infertile, according to Friends or Big Bear Valley. However, the couple lost two eggs in 2023 and then three last March.

The losses have never stopped that the two try. With each set of eggs, the two eagle changes in a routine way, a fight whose turn it is while he is carefully powered by their potential descendants, the non-profit said.

Friends of Big Bear Valley encourage fans to view their live feeds in the hope of witnessing a successful Liège.

“Jackie and Shadow will continue to breed on the baked and the remaining eggs, and ensure that they stay warm enough,” the group wrote on Tuesday.

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